Forum Guidelines
A warm welcome to the Nutracheck community! Meet fellow members and support each other on your journeys.
Before you start, please read our guidelines for posting.
By participating in our forum, you are agreeing to abide by these guidelines:
- I agree to keep the Nutracheck forums constructive and supportive for the general benefit of the community:
- I agree to stick to topics related to weight management support and avoid subjects that have potential to escalate into heated debates (e.g. politics and religion).
- I agree I will not make posts that are rude and deliberately provocative.
- I agree I will not make offensive jokes.
- I agree I will not use hate speech of any kind.
- I agree I will not bully or single out/name or allude to other members in a negative context.
- I agree to keep my language clean.
- I agree to keep my profile photo and the images I share decent (no nudity).
- I agree I will not engage in 'troll hunting' and if I suspect someone of trolling I will report this to the Admin directly.
- I agree to scroll past and not engage with posts made by members who are not my cup of tea, or to use the 'hide posts by this member' option.
- I agree I will not use the Nutracheck forums to advertise my own services, or any other businesses' products or services.
- I agree I will not use this platform for self-promotion or monetary gain:
- I agree I will not use the Nutracheck forums to advertise my own services, or any other businesses' products or services. This includes posting nutrition or exercise 'advice' or links to related social media platforms or other websites if this is for monetary gain.
- I agree I will use official donation websites (such as JustGiving) for any fundraising activity and I will not do this through the Nutracheck forum. I understand this is for members' own protection as Nutracheck cannot be held responsible for checking the authenticity of fundraising requests.
- I agree I will not promote any competitions/challenges set up by me by posting a link or by directing Nutracheck members to an external platform. I understand that all challenges created by Nutracheck members must be kept within the official Nutracheck forum on a 'just for fun' basis.
I agree to respect Nutracheck's guidelines on privacy and copyright:
- I agree I won't share any personally identifiable information (e.g. email address, phone number or home address) for my own privacy and safety. If I choose to share my Instagram name it is my personal responsibility to manage my own privacy settings on Instagram. If I wish to contact other members for purposes of support outside of the Nutracheck forum, this is my personal choice and I accept that Nutracheck holds no responsibility for any such groups.
- I agree I will not share any personally identifiable information of another person.
- I agree I will only have one active forum profile at any one time. Multiple forum profiles/accounts contravenes the spirit of posting with transparency.
- I agree I will not take any content from this forum and post it on other internet sites or social platforms. I accept this is a closed forum and the content is confidential to this site so such behaviour would be a breach of privacy and copyright.
- I agree that any recipes I share will be my own and not copied from books or another source where a third party owns copyright or another intellectual property right in the recipe (see full terms and conditions).
- I agree to allow Nutracheck to reproduce any tips, advice or comments I may make in the forum (I will be notified in advance).
Thank you for your agreement.
This is a moderated forum:
- If you make a post that violates a guideline, it may be removed.
- We may increase moderation on your account if you violate a guideline – this means that posts you make will no longer appear immediately until they have been approved.
- In the event of breaches, we have the right to suspend comments at any time. We are obliged to take any of the above measures if we are requested to do so by an administrative or judicial authority. We will promptly inform the reporter, as well as the user who posted the reported content, of the actions we have taken and provide clear and specific reasons for our decision. The affected users can appeal against our decisions.
- In order to exercise this right, the users concerned may contact within six months, stating their reasons. Please note that the content of the reports or complaints may be passed on to the reporter in certain cases, e.g. in cases of possible copyright infringements.
To report a post that you believe breaks our forum guidelines, please email and it will be reviewed.