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Real Life Diet Questions Answered

Angela Dowden

Posted 01 Oct 08

What's an average weight gain before a period?

Is it true that you can weigh heavier leading up to and during your period? If this is true how many days before and how many pounds can be gained, I know everyone is different but what is a rough guide? Thanks

Our expert says...

Yes, it  is absolutely true that you can weigh heavier leading up to your period, and  it’s usually due to water retention caused by hormonal changes. There’s also the unfortunate aspect that we do tend to get hungrier in the second half of the month leading up to a period, and if this means you consistently breach your calorie allowance, some of the weight loss could be actual fat and stay put unless you  compensate at some other time. Some women can put on up to 5 pounds around this time and then lose it again, but a more common figure is about 1 - 2 pounds.

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